Product Updates: January – March 2022

Our latest round of customer inspired product evolutions brings forward more new ways to help us deliver on our purpose to eliminate downtime for you, and the industry. In this update you’ll see a theme of getting deeper insights driven by enhanced user interfaces that all drive increased value and ease of use for you.

Locate Kin tracked assets even faster

Based on some great customer feedback we’ve updated the Kin experience to evolve the task of locating Kin tagged assets. New functionality has been introduced to make it faster and easier to find what you are looking for:

1. Trackunit Go: Locator Mode Enhancements

Using the following new information to take finding assets to the next level:

  • Street address – precise address resolution that supports faster finding of assets
  • Last seen timestamp – provides increased level of confidence on the current location
  • Image of Asset – gives a visual cue on what the asset looks like to make finding easier
  • Movement Detection indicator – displays if the asset is currently in use

2. Trackunit Kin: Preserve your Kin battery with user-driven LED Control

When physically searching for your Kin tagged asset, Kin’s LED can show you the way. Kin’s LED no longer comes on by default when in Locate mode. The Go app now has been updated to include a button to manually turn on the Kin’s Locate LED, to help preserve the Kin’s battery life.

3. Trackunit Iris: Smarter than ever, using advanced Location Algorithms

Iris has new added intelligence to process additional Kin data, which helps to further pinpoint the location of the Kin tracked asset. To do so, it factors in GPS and signal strength data that can be received from multiple parallel instances of Trackunit Raw or the Go app, to determine the most accurate map location. Movement data patterns are also assessed to provide you with the best last known position on the map, ensuring location doesn’t change when it shouldn’t.

Digging Deeper with Analytics using Kin

As a Fleet Manager with a large number of tracked assets, having Utilization insights at your fingertips propel decision making and outcomes for colleagues and customers. Two new updates have been introduced in Trackunit Manager to drive action!

New Kin Utilization report for tagged assets

This new report provides specific insights based on movement data recorded, enabling you to determine tagged asset usage across a large fleet and individual assets, all in one convenient report.

The report enables:

  • Contractors to make real-time decisions on tools needed or not needed on the jobsite – Are there assets unused that could be reallocated or removed?
  • Jobsite Managers to have oversight on productivity, and to proactively preserve uptime – Does the usage align with the anticipated target set?

Rental companies to:

  • Collaborate with customers to remove or add rented items
  • Manage excess use scenarios, and make invoicing adjustments

Choose a date range, specifics assets (or groups of assets) along with a Daily Movement Target in hours or minutes to produce summary and detail levels of asset activity. The report can also be scheduled for delivery to your inbox daily, weekly or monthly.

The Kin Utilization Report is now available for both Collect and Insight subscribers in the Trackunit Manager ‘Reports’ menu.

See how to schedule a report here.

Improvements to Utilization on Asset Home

Is your tool or equipment being used right now? Or has it been used the last billing period? Or during the last week on the job site? Those questions are now easier to get a response to with the updated the Utilization component on Asset Home:

  • Default graph now displays eight days enabling quick comparison today to the same day last week
  • Added quick button selections for today, last week, and last month
  • Allow the users to select any flexible time period of choice for up to one-year in the past
  • Added a tool tip to guide users in reading graph data (press the bulb icon to see it)

More powerful and flexible fleet-wide analytics

Metadata (previously machine score) has now grown to include Kin equipped assets to power-up your insights. The average metadata score seen on Fleet Home now includes all machines, equipment, attachments, and tools in your fleet.

What is the impact of Metadata? Metadata is a foundational asset data component to drive more powerful and flexible fleet-wide analytics in the Trackunit platform (Manager and Go). Ultimately, the opportunity for better search results means:

  • Time saved for you, by avoiding information overload
  • A precise path to obtain insights that drive outcomes
  • A clearer picture of your entire fleet

Using the Scoring:

The Metadata score on fleet home lets you know how you are doing across your fleet with filling in your data. The higher the score on the Fleet Home, the closer you are to maximizing the benefits.

  • Observe the scores on individual assets to spot gaps in your metadata, and to drive action to fill in the blanks to hit 100%. 
  • Note: Type, Production Year, Vin (Serial Number), Model, and Brand are all used to calculate your score. It’s best to input all your metadata at activation time, but you can fill in the data afterwards.

Go ahead and take the challenge to always fill in your Metadata, and consider making it a team effort to get the job done faster!

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