Complete Your Fleet with Specialty Equipment Solutions
Drive increased uptime, smarter operations, and elevated profitability with 100% coverage for all your mission-critical Specialty Equipment applications.

Take Control
of Your Uptime
Eliminate costly surprises, reduce downtime, and generate new revenue opportunities while managing your entire fleet all in one platform.
Besserer betrieblicher Überblick
Stellen Sie eine einheitliche Sichtbarkeit für jede Ausrüstung sicher, um die betriebliche Effizienz und Compliance zu fördern.
Erreichen Sie eine Vor-Ort-Zuverlässigkeit von 100 %.
Proaktive Prozesse
Erkennen Sie übermäßig ausgelastete Einheiten, Systemfehler und Leistungsineffizienzen, bevor diese sich auf Ihr Geschäft auswirken können.
Vermeiden Sie 20–30 % der Ausfallzeiten auf Baustellen.
Greifen Sie auf Nutzungsmuster zurück, um den Umsatz aus Verträgen zu steigern und die Rotationsstrategien Ihrer Flotte durch längere Einsatzzeiten zu verbessern.
Sichern Sie sich bis zu das 2- bis 3-Fache an Einnahmen durch die Abrechnung außervertraglicher Nutzung.
Bieten Sie ein herausragendes Mieterlebnis an, das die Kundenzufriedenheit fördert und die Markenpräferenz steigert, um den Marktanteil auszubauen.
Steigern Sie die Wahrscheinlichkeit von wiederkehrenden Aufträgen um bis zu 8 %.
Unique Site Needs
Elevated Importance
Specialty Equipment is routinely deployed in challenging environments where downtime is never an option.
Long-Term Site Rentals
Drive proactive service, while building customer loyalty and contract revenue.
Disaster Response
Deploy services responding to evolving critical equipment needs with confidence.
24/7 Project Operations
Uphold the highest standards of support, reliability, and equipment uptime.
Event Management
Predict and respond to on-site issues remotely with full clarity.
Enriched Data
for Equipment
Leverage real-time insights that revolutionize the way OEMs, Rentals, and Contractors make important decisions for unique equipment.
Trackunit Manager
Complete Visibility
Capture a centralized full-fleet view of Speciality Equipment alongside all other equipment in Trackunit Manager.
Remote Response
Respond quickly to changing climate conditions with temperature, pressure, flow, and key machine status insights in hand.
Optimize Performance
Ensure optimal machine performance using system load, efficiency, and emissions system insights.
Critical Conditions
Act on specific equipment failures and system changes using real-time alerting, preventing downtime.
Service Management
Equipment Health
Receive trouble codes and maintenance alerts
to proactively drive equipment health and uptime.
Overtime Income
Capture and elevate contract revenue for additional site usage via utilization reports.
Did you know?
Reduction in Travel Costs
Due to location awareness in remote areas that prevents searching for equipment, which also results in less cost to the customer.
Decrease in Average On-Site Time
Efficiently locating equipment onsite combined with cluster-based scheduling with fault codes in hand accelerates service operations and delivers better customer service experiences.
Increased Revenue per Quater
8 large generator units were indicated as operating on single shifts, but usage insights showed they were running on double or triple shifts, enabling proactive billing for overtime use.
Integration Solved
Let Trackunit take the complexity out of giving your generators, pumps, chillers, heaters, and compressors full visibility amidst your mixed fleet.
Step 1
Machine Integration
It all begins with a physical connection. Whether it’s Modbus or Dual CAN, TU700 has advanced controller IoT connectivity covered.
Step 2
Edge Configuration
Unique controllers, and unique machines means that data sources need to be analyzed and established for IoT transmission.
Step 3
Data Mapping
Mapped data profiles are created and assigned to unique machine controllers. Pick from existing profiles or create your own.
Step 4
Equipment Profiles
Equipment profiles are sent over-the-air and hosted on the edge, safely and securely onboard the TU700 IoT device.
Step 5
Data Harmonization
Trackunit Iris ingests and formats all your Speciality Equipment data, ready for delivery into Trackunit Manager.
Step 6
Deployment Services
Leverage any combination of Trackunit deployment services, self-installation, and new harnessing options to mobilize your solution.
Join the best in business
7,000+ trusted construction partners have already made it easy to connect and integrate their machine data.
Joel Särkkä
CIO, Renta
„Die Digitalisierung ist schon lange ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Skalierung des Geschäfts. Sie zwingt uns dazu, über den Tellerrand hinauszuschauen und innovative Lösungen zu finden. Dabei achten wir stets darauf, dass unsere Lösungen den Nutzern einen klaren Mehrwert bieten.“
Roger Rotés
Product Manager, AUSA
„Wir haben die AUSAnow-Lösung 2021 gemeinsam mit Trackunit auf den Markt gebracht“, sagt Roger Rotés, Product Manager bei AUSA. „Die Partnerschaft zwischen AUSA und Trackunit zeigt, wie Zusammenarbeit operative Exzellenz und Kundenzufriedenheit vorantreibt.“
Jenna Reed
Director, Sunbelt Rentals
„Durch unsere Partnerschaft mit Trackunit ermöglichen wir unseren Kunden eine optimierte End-to-End-Erfahrung durch Daten. Zuverlässige Ausrüstungsdaten aus dem Trackunit Manager, die essenzielle Informationen von unseren IoT-Geräten erfassen, sind entscheidend für unsere Abläufe.“
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Trackunit® Manager
Work Smarter with Full Fleet Intelligence
Say goodbye to fragmented views by using the #1 chosen interface in the industry to connect, collect, and present all your equipment insights in a single platform
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