You’re Invited to Join the Movement to Eliminate Downtime. Are You In?

An Open Letter calling for an increase in efficiency and an end to downtime
Soeren Brogaard
CEO at Trackunit

The need for change in the construction industry is unquestionable. The downtime which causes so much inefficiency would be unacceptable in any other sector in these intelligent and connected times. In short, we believe that downtime is the mother of all the industry’s problems.

Despite being a “bricks and mortar” industry with ancient roots, construction is not immune from the effects of change. As I’ve written before, over the millennia since people started constructing their own shelters, it has answered with an ongoing track record of progress as well as the application of technology. Ours is an industry which has continued to respond to very clear and present human needs.

But the fact is that despite its size and apparent success, construction remains one of the least efficient industries. It trails global economic growth patterns; with the majority of projects running over schedule and over budget. This damages the reputation of a business that otherwise attracts plaudits by putting places on the map, making skylines into landmarks and by doing it all in the public eye.

Downtime is the mother of all our problems

No one has set out to be inefficient. By recapturing the losses caused by downtime, there could be additional capital available for investment in more projects, at the same time as improving the conditions and earnings of construction and allied companies, not to mention the people that work in them. It’s no less than a win-win scenario.

We need the support of the whole industry, from construction and contractors, to equipment manufacturers and service providers.

Soeren Brogaard, CCO, Trackunit

Of course we need business leaders to enlist their efforts in a top down approach, but we also need grass roots support to ensure that change is pervasive as well as sustainable. It needs the support of the whole industry, from construction and contractors, to equipment manufacturers and service providers. Collaboration is our catalyst, eliminating downtime will be a collective effort.

Are you in? Sign up to help Eliminate Downtime by 2025

By continuing to do things the way they’ve always been done, we cannot hope to get better outcomes. To keep on doing what we’re doing and expecting change is a form of madness. Without new ways of thinking, the industry will continue to drown in downtime.

Which is why Trackunit, together with a group of early adopters, is asking anyone and everyone involved in the construction industry to read and share an open letter, with a commitment to doing their bit to help. To get involved, click the link and sign up to one of our Downtime events. When you’ve done that, please share your action and the link with your colleagues, asking them to get on board too.

There are lots of questions which need to be answered in order to fulfil the goal to eliminate downtime. Working alone, Trackunit does not have all the answers. But you can help by sharing your ideas, big or small. Whether they’re things you think will work or have already seen working, we commit to curate them all and publish a white book to share with the industry. It’s your opportunity to be acknowledged as someone who’s contributed and influenced this movement.

Together, I genuinely believe that we can achieve the seemingly impossible. Are you in?

Together, I genuinely believe that we can achieve the seemingly impossible. Are you in?

Soeren Brogaard Jensen, CCO, Trackunit

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